We are a company having extensive experience in the manufacture and sale of wooden windows, wooden external doors and non-standard window woodwork. Bearing in mind the company’s further development, we do not only want to obtain a strong and stable position on the domestic market, but also increase sales on foreign markets. We know that attainment of the above goals mainly requires production and sale of products representing a quality level that meets the requirements, needs and expectations of our Clients.
Hence, our main aim is to ensure full customer satisfaction.
Our Quality System is focused on continuous improvement in the quality of our products and services and their adjustment to our Clients’ technical and economic requirements.
This will be implemented by:
- continuous process improvement;
- production technology development;
- modernization of the machinery;
- continuous improvement in competences of the company’s employees.
An important element of our business is to ensure that defects and complaints are kept to a minimum. We strive to keep their number as low as possible. The agreed implementation dates of our services must always be met. The quality of our products also depends on the quality of supplies. Therefore, we require suppliers to deliver products fully complying with our requirements and we cooperate with them when pursuing the major quality goals. Our quality policy is implemented assuming that quality is not only the responsibility of the business owner, but also each employee. Everyone who notices any risk of deteriorated quality is obliged to take actions to protect quality.